Region Access Changes – Who Gets In?

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Earlier this week, I caught a blog post by Inara Pey about changes that Linden Lab will be rolling out for region access.

Basically, the number of avatars who can access a region has increased.  The amount of the increase depends on the type of region.  A full region will increase by 10%.  So if you have a full region (usually 100 avatar limit), that limit will now be 110 avatars.

There is a caveat, however. The extra 10% of avatars are limited to Premium members.  I happen to be a Premium member, so this is a nice perk.

It immediately made me wonder about access to events (shopping and dance events came to mind first).  If there is a full region dance event, for example, what does access then look like?  Normally, once the 100 avi limit is reached, everyone would get a ‘region full’ notice.

Now, however, it appears that if the limit is 100, it will work a bit differently.  100 avatars can still get in.  But the limit is actually now 110, with that extra reserved for Premium members.  So if you are not premium, once there are 100 avis on the sim, you’ll get the ‘region full’ notice.  But if you are a Premium member and there are only 100 people on the sim, you’ll be able to get in.

I can see how this would be frustrating to people who are not Premium members, but this is a nice perk for those of us who pay to be Premium members.

You can read more details about the changes in Inara Pey’s article linked below, as well as an article from Ciaran Laval here.

One other thing that I wondered about was regions where the limit has been lowered, as often happens with popular dance events.  According to Ciaran, if you have lowered the limit (say to 50 from 100 on a full region), then LL will automatically assign 10% of the limit to Premium members.  Which means that the limit for non-Premium members will be 45 avis, with the other 10% of the 50 avi limit (5 avis) assigned to Premium members only. Something to keep in mind if/when you are setting limits for your events.

Inara’s article link:  Lab announces improved region capacity and access in Second Life | Inara Pey: Living in a Modem World

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