“If you just build it, they might not come”: promoting events in SL | Inara Pey: Living in a Modem World

Image Source:  facilitiesscheduling.wvu.edu
Image Source: facilitiesscheduling.wvu.edu

I am really looking forward to this series of articles.

I struggle in RL and SL with marketing – I think because I am uncomfortable with self-promotion.

Sometimes it all feels a bit like shooting in the dark and hoping you hit a target. 😛

If you are responsible for promoting/marketing something in SL, what are your go-to methods?

Source: “If you just build it, they might not come”: promoting events in SL | Inara Pey: Living in a Modem World

2 thoughts on ““If you just build it, they might not come”: promoting events in SL | Inara Pey: Living in a Modem World

  1. I am better in RL than SL. When I lived in SL it was easy. When I stopped living in SL I stopped my marketing momentum. The only time I work it now is Mondays for the live music. That’s about it.

    On the upside some marketing ideas and skills were transferable to the real world so it all did me good in the end.

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