Out of Sync

out-of-syncYesterday was an odd day for me.

It was a day of firsts – first day of the week, first day of practice, and, as I discovered this morning, the first day I’ve ever forgotten to log out of SL before going to bed.

I was busy taking photos yesterday (which I think turned out pretty well) and then life happened – dinner, cleaning, getting kids to bed, etc.

I often leave my computer on overnight, so I didn’t give it a thought when I shut off the office light.

I came back in this morning to start writing and realized I had forgotten to log off before dinner.


And I’m having one of those days where I feel out of sync with everything.

So, while I hit the ‘refresh’ button, feel free to head over to my Flickr and check it out.

I’m pretty proud of my LOTD photo from yesterday, which just happens to fit in with Strawberry Singh’s Monday Meme (why do I never seem to get them until Tuesday?).

Her meme yesterday was to transform your avatar so that no one would recognize you.

I think I accomplished that with my pic.  😀

Enjoy your Tuesday, everyone!